MVC Part Tutorial

This tutorial assumes you have added the Visual Studio item templates. How to do this is documented in Setting Up Your Environment

Right-click on the project, Add, New itemN2 Content Controller.

Change [PageDefinition] to [PartDefinition] and remove the attributes [WithEditableTitle] and [WithEditableName]on the TutorialPart class. Move it to the Models.Parts namespace:

namespace N2.Templates.Mvc.Models.Parts
     public class TutorialPart : ContentItem
           [EditableFreeTextArea("Text", 100)]
           public virtual string Text { get; set; }

Change TutorialpartController to use the correct namespace and make it return a PartialView

public class TutorialPartController: ContentController<Models.Parts.TutorialPart>
     public override ActionResult Index()
           // Right-click and Add View..
           return PartialView(CurrentItem);

Right-click in the action, Add View…, check Create a partial view (.ascx), and Add

Add some markup:

<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<N2.Templates.Mvc.Models.Parts.TutorialPart>" %>
<div style="border: solid 10px red">
   <%= Model.Text %>

Compile and Voila! Choose “Organize parts” on a page and drag TutorialPart onto a zone.