Getting Support

Free Community Support

Free community support is provided for issues with N2CMS, and for feature requests on a best-effort basis with no SLA. All community solutions are licensed under the LGPL unless otherwise specified. 

For bugs and feature requests, please file an issue at Github and a member of the community will eventually try to address a fix. The bug tracker is located at

If you are trying to extend N2CMS with the intention of contributing your code back to the N2CMS project, please provide the source code of your project and we can try to help you debug it. The code must be licensed under LGPL or a compatible license. The solution will be made available to the community, and may be incorporated into the main N2CMS distribution or template libraries in whole or in part. 

Commercial Support

If you have a requirement for a project that isn’t open-source, or if you need a solution more quickly, various N2 community members offer consulting services at market rates. Please contact those members directly for additional information.

Company/Freelancer NameWebsite/Contact InformationNotes/References
Elix Technologies (Ben Herila)

  • Proceeds from n2cms development are re-invested to hire freelancers to fix additional bugs and improve the system further.
  • Verified GitHub committer to n2cms project
OST (Open Systems Technologies) 

Support for 3rd party libraries used by N2CMS

N2CMS uses several open source libraries, and support for those libraries is provided by the respective communities for each library, not by the N2CMS core team.