Localization using Translations

N2 supports several powerful localization options. You can create locale-specific versions of your site targeted at different language profiles, and/or you can make specific strings within your application localizable. This allows you to author content in multiple languages into a single ContentItem.

We'll assume that you have already set up the site root(s) you want. For help setting up language-specific site roots (called LanguageIntersections), please refer to Site and Language Roots.

This article is a work in progress. Contributions are much welcomed and appreciated!

Defining Strings that can be Localized

You can define strings that are to be translated by using... <attributes?>

/* TODO: Code sample here */

Translating Strings in the N2 Administration Panel

You can switch the language you're editing in by using the Language drop-down...


Inserting Localized Strings using Razor Syntax

You can use the @Content.Translate.Text to insert localized content into a view. 

/* TODO: Code sample here */

Inserting Localized Strings using Web Forms 

Localized Strings aren't officially supported using Web Forms yet.