

Built-in parts

WebForms ASPX Pages

N2 CMS provides a number of web controls for creating UI with WebForms:

There are also a number of base classes which helps accessing the current item and integrate witch caching:

Look at the WebForms template pack for examples on how to use these controls and base classes. This project provides more web controls and TemplatePage<T> and TemplateUesrControl<T> with additional functionality.

ASP.NET MVC View Helpers

When developing an ASP.MVC view there are some view helpers that can be useful:


<% using (Html.BeginAsyncAction("lazy", new { partial = true })){ %>
     <%= Html.ActionLink("Loading expensive content", Html.CurrentPage(), "lazy", ...
<% } %>

The example shows a link while the lazy action is being retrieved asynchronously from the client.