Guidelines and Conventions


  • Unless absolutely necessary, binary files should not be checked into the Git repository
  • Text files should be encoded with UTF-8
  • Line endings should be set to \n, and every text file should end with a newline character
  • Lines should be free of trailing spaces
  • Lines are indented with tab characters (\t)
    • not 4 spaces (as is Visual Studio's default)
    • not 8 spaces, etc.

Read more on Stackoverflow: Why should I use core.autocrlf=true in Git? (external link)

Git Configuration

git config core.autocrlf true


Following the rules in your editor

You can make sure you follow this rule easily:

  • For Vim users, you're all set out of the box! Just don't change your eol setting.
  • For TextMate users, you can install the Avian Missing Bundle and addTM_STRIP_WHITESPACE_ON_SAVE = true to your .tm_properties file.
  • For Sublime users, set the ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save option to true.
  • For RubyMine, set "Ensure line feed at file end on Save" under "Editor."

For visual studio, you can download this VS Settings file which will configure your environment properly.

Quick Tricks/Scripts for fixing things

Fixes "No newline at end of file" for all *.cs files (Requires Bash 4.0, based on this post

shopt -s globstar
for i in **/*.cs ; do  echo $i; \
 if diff /dev/null "$i" | tail -1 | \
  grep '^\\ No newline' > /dev/null; then echo >> "$i"; \
 fi; done

Ensure newlines are \n (example is for *.aspx files)

expand_func () {
  dos2unix -m -n "$1" "$1.tmp"
  mv "$1.tmp" "$1"
export -f expand_func
find . -name \*.aspx -exec bash -c 'expand_func {}' \;

Convert files indented with 4 spaces, to tabs

expand_func () {
  expand -t 4 "$1" > "$1.tmp"
  mv "$1.tmp" "$1"
export -f expand_func
find . -name \*.aspx -exec bash -c 'expand_func {}' \;